The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Havelock Academy

Our goal is to provide excellent opportunities in an open, positive and purposeful climate for all to achieve excellence, become lifelong learners and responsible, successful, well rounded citizens.

Timings of the Academy Day

The academy gates open at 8am until 8.05am daily for any students that want to attend our morning breakfast club. For all other students not attending breakfast club, the academy gates open at 8.15am for line-up and morning tutorial at 8.20am. 

Year 11 Period 6 English, Maths or Science will take place on Monday and Tuesday between 14.50 and 15.50.

Total weekly hours: 32.5 hours (8.20am until 14.50pm Monday to Friday)

  • Morning line up: 8.20am
  • Period 1: 8.35am
  • Period 2: 9.35am
  • Break: 10.35am
  • Period 3: 10.50am
  • Period 4: 11.50am
  • Lunch: 12.50pm
  • PM Tutor: 1.20pm
  • Period 5: 1.50pm
  • End of day/Period 6/Enrichment: 2.50pm