The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Havelock Academy

Our goal is to provide excellent opportunities in an open, positive and purposeful climate for all to achieve excellence, become lifelong learners and responsible, successful, well rounded citizens.

Update for parents (20/03/2020)


As you are aware, following government guidance, the academy will be closed from next week for most pupils. We have contacted parents of vulnerable pupils to request that you let us know if your children will be attending and we have asked that parents who are key workers fill in the google form if they would like to request a place, by 12 noon today (Friday 20/3/2020). We need this information in advance to ensure that we have enough staff for all children who will be attending next week. If you have any queries, please telephone the academy on 01472 602000. Thank you for your ongoing support.