Update for Parents, Carers and Students (12/02/2021)
Thank you for all your support over this term so far. Next week (15th-19th Feb) we are closed for the half term break so there will be no live online lessons and no students in the academy.
Our remote lessons will restart on Monday 22nd February, with details on our website as usual. The academy will reopen for pre-registered children of critical workers and those we have contacted in vulnerable groups on 22nd February. If you have any safeguarding concerns over the half term holiday period then please contact us on safeguardingteam@havelockacademy.co.uk.
For any general enquiries please contact us on enquiries@havelockacademy.co.uk.
Please continue to follow national lockdown guidance and help to keep our community safe.
We will be in touch again after half term with any further details on reopening once the government has provided us with a date and roadmap for this.
In the meantime, stay safe and thank you once again for your support, from the team at Havelock Academy.