Message to Parents and Carers (02/09/2020)
We are looking forward to welcoming back students over the coming days: Y7 Thursday onwards; Y11, 12, 13 Friday onwards; Y8, 9, 10 Monday onwards. Please see our website for further details.
Please note arrival times on the website and ensure students arrive no more than five minutes before their allocated arrival slot, and no later than their published arrival time, to ensure that we can keep year group bubbles in separate areas.
If you have any concerns in advance please telephone reception or email us at and a member of the team will get back to you as soon as possible. Please note that parents are not allowed on site without an appointment, in line with our risk assessment, which can be found on our website. Thank you for your support with this.
Please also note the latest government guidance for parents and carers regarding the return to school, which can be found on the following web-link: