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Havelock Academy

Our goal is to provide excellent opportunities in an open, positive and purposeful climate for all to achieve excellence, become lifelong learners and responsible, successful, well rounded citizens.

Letter to Y10 Parents/Carers (08/06/2020)

Dear Parent/Guardian

I am delighted to be able to share with you our plans for year 10 students returning to Havelock for some face to face sessions this term. 

After the most recent Government announcement we have been busy putting together safe plans for both students and staff to return, including a thorough risk assessment, additional staff training and additional control measures to ensure safe practices for everyone in the building.

You should receive via. the post a letter and a booklet which details our control measures and includes a very thorough questions and answers section to help alleviate any concerns you may have. Please ensure you have read through this with your child and they are aware of the risks and our control measures.

Our plans as they stand, which are subject to change if we receive further advice and guidance from the Department of Education, see Year 10 students starting some face to face sessions from Tuesday 16th June 2020.

Each lesson will be 2 hours and is calendared below.  Lessons will take place in the main Academy building, in house bases that have been set up for social distancing.  Students may wear sensible, casual clothing that is easy for you to wash on their return home.

In addition to Year 10 lessons there is also the opportunity to meet with members of the pastoral team on a one to one basis on Friday 17th July. These support meetings are designed to help students with their emotional wellbeing, address any fears they may have and ensure they are all set ready for the summer holidays.

Students are split into bubbles and so will be invited in for their allocated bubble sessions on the timetable printed within this letter.

We must operate a booking system to ensure we have minimum numbers in the academy each day. With this in mind please use the online booking form using the link in the letter you receive to book in a place for your child so that we can ensure we cater for them. This is a unique link for each Year 10 bubble.

Please complete your booking request by Wednesday 10th June at 2pm, to allow us to complete our schedule. We will then send you a message to detail which entrance/exit your child should use, and their start/finish times (as these will be staggered, so may be slightly different to the above times, within half an hour either side).

During this time and in the run up to these face to face sessions, students should continue to engage with their online learning as they have been.  We have been incredibly impressed at how the students have taken to this method of learning, please share our congratulations and a huge well done to all of them.

Timetable of sessions

Week beginning







Staff Training

Y10 Bubble A Pastoral & Study Skills 9-11am

Y10 Bubble B Pastoral & Study Skills 9-11am

Y10 Bubble C Pastoral & Study Skills 9-11am

Y10 Bubble D Pastoral & Study Skills 9-11am


Y10 Bubble A: English 9-11am

Y10 Bubble B: English 9-11am

Y10 Bubble C: English 9-11am

Y10 Bubble D: English 9-11am

Y10 Bubble A: Maths & Science 9-11am


Y10 Bubble B: Maths & Science 9-11am

Y10 Bubble C: Maths & Science 9-11am

Y10 Bubble D: Maths & Science 9-11am

Y6 Induction Appointments 2-7pm

Y6 Induction Appointments 9am-5pm

Y6 Induction Appointments 9am-4pm


Y6 Induction Appointments 9am-4pm

Y12 Pastoral & Study Skills: ONLINE 2pm

Y12 Performing Arts


Year 12 Health & Social Care 10am-12pm

Year 12 Criminology 10am-12pm

Y12 History



Y12 Psychology 10am-12pm

Y12 Sport & English 10am-12pm

Y12 Chemistry 10am-12pm

Y12 Art & Maths 10am-12pm

One to one support appointments

If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact us at the academy on . Please spend some time reading through the enclosed booklet with your child.

Yours sincerely

Miss E Marshall                                         Mr M Lamming

Principal                                                     Head of Year 10