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Havelock Academy

Our goal is to provide excellent opportunities in an open, positive and purposeful climate for all to achieve excellence, become lifelong learners and responsible, successful, well rounded citizens.

19th February 2024


Dear parents and carers,

I hope that you have had a good half term break.  It was great to see so many students from our exam year groups in for revision and catch-up sessions over the holidays and we have been very impressed by the take up for our Year 11 Saturday School which runs on Saturday mornings each week from now until the exams.

We have continued to see a positive take up from families for the “My Child at School” (MCAS) app and website, which is useful for parents and carers and contains information about timetables, attendance, house points and much more.  If you would like any help in setting up the app or your account on the website then please get in touch with our reception team, who will be glad to help.

You may have seen on the news today that the government are recommending that mobile phones be completely banned for use by students in schools.  We put this in place several years ago at Havelock and students are reminded regularly that if they do choose to bring a mobile phone with them to school, then it should be switched off and in their bag throughout the school day and only brought out after they leave the school site at the end of the day. There are several reasons for this, and we appreciate your support in reiterating this expectation with your child.  If mobile phones are seen on site, they will be confiscated for the rest of the school day.

We continue to have a push on house points and attendance this term, having seen a record number of rewards issued during the last term and seeing several positive examples of improved attendance.  We are always careful to ensure we reward attendance weekly, rather than simply for the full year, as this means everyone can achieve success and be entered into attendance prize draws each week.  In addition, for our 100% attenders, we are looking at recognising this outstanding achievement through a special tie, awarded annually.  We will share further details of this later in the school year.

This term sees the final set of mock exams for our Year 11 and 13 students, as well as a range of opportunities for students across all year groups to get involved in wider school and house activities.  We continue to run a range of free after school enrichment activities, particularly in sport and the arts, but also in other subject areas, so please do encourage your child to get involved.  We regularly share details on our X Social Media (formerly known as Twitter) and Facebook pages so make sure you follow us @HavelockAcademy .

As always, if you have any feedback for us, then please do get in touch.  A full list of email addresses can be found on our website: A_Guide_for_Parents_on_Contacting_the_Academy_2023-24.pdf (

Very best wishes,

Emma Marshall