The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Havelock Academy

Our goal is to provide excellent opportunities in an open, positive and purposeful climate for all to achieve excellence, become lifelong learners and responsible, successful, well rounded citizens.

Letter to Parents/Carers (22/12/2020)

Dear parent/carer, 

Following a directive from Government, as per our MCAS message and email last week, at the start of the new school term we will be open from 5th January for vulnerable children and key worker children, in addition to all students from years 11, 12 and 13. Students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 should access remote learning and live lessons on 5th to 8th January here


Registering for face to face teaching first week back for Key Worker & Vulnerable Groups

In the new term, most children will learn online until the 11th January to enable schools to plan testing arrangements and to reduce the infection rates after Christmas, however we are able to support children of keyworkers and also children who are deemed as vulnerable.

It is essential that bookings for this provision are made in advance by emailing us on before 4th January, including your child’s name, year group and details as to why you are booking them in.  We will then get back to you with confirmation, via email, as soon as possible.


Free School Meals 

Children engaging in remote education at home during 5th – 8th January who are eligible for free school meals will be eligible for a food parcel which can be collected from the school. Further details will be shared about collection slots in the new year.  Vouchers for the holiday period were sent out early last week via Royal Mail and should be with you in the next few days if they have not already arrived.


You will be aware that we have a planning task ahead of us to ensure that we are able to support our staff and some students through a regime of testing and we are working hard to get those plans underway.   Along with the other protective measures we are taking, these tests will help staff and students to remain in school safely. Up to one third of people who have coronavirus experience no symptoms. By testing we will help to stop the virus spread and help to keep our academy open as safely as possible. The test is voluntary, but I would encourage everyone to take it, because it means that if your child is a contact with someone who has tested positive they will be able to stay in school, not going home to isolate as has previously been the case. 


We will be testing all staff from week commencing 4th January 2021 and will be rolling out tests for pupils soon after, once we are familiar with the processes and have enough staff trained to deliver the tests efficiently. We will communicate with you again on or around the 2nd January to give you the details of any testing plans and with details of how you can give consent.   


Until then, please be assured that we are working hard to give you the information you need at the right time, and that our priority is in keeping you and your family safe and that your children’s education will always be our priority.  I look forward to communicating with you again soon, please have a wonderful Christmas break. 


Best wishes, 

Emma Marshall
