The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Havelock Academy

Our goal is to provide excellent opportunities in an open, positive and purposeful climate for all to achieve excellence, become lifelong learners and responsible, successful, well rounded citizens.

Letter to Parents/Carers (09/12/2021)

Dear Parent or Guardian,

We are really looking forward to welcoming your child back to Havelock Academy in January 2022 and continuing their journey with us.  As an academy, we will be conducting mass COVID testing of all our students at the start of the new term in line with government guidance. 

As we are all now familiar with lateral flow testing we encourage all students to continue to test twice each week over the Christmas break.  We would also ask students to undertake a LFT prior to returning to Havelock in January.  We are giving students the opportunity to come into school to be tested as we have done previously at the start of each term.  We strongly encourage all students to attend for a Covid test at a convenient point between the hours shown below on Wednesday 5th January before the full return to school on Thursday 6th January.



Tuesday 4th January 2022

Staff Training Only

Wednesday 5th January 2022

COVID Testing

Thursday 6th January 2022

All students return 8.30am


COVID Testing

Our Mass Testing Site (the Gym) will be open during the following times for students to attend and be tested, using a lateral flow device.  We would like to test as many students as possible.  All students should test before returning to the academy on Thursday 6th January, using lateral flow tests. 

If you would like a supply of tests for the Christmas break, please ask your child to go to Student Services, reception or the medical room to collect some tests.

Wednesday 5th January 2022

8.30am – 10.30am

Students should attend between any of these time slots.  At busy times they may be required to queue outside on the tennis courts, so please ensure warm clothing is worn.

11.00am – 1.00pm

1.30pm – 3.00pm


If your child took part in mass testing in September of this year and you gave your consent for this, there is no need to complete another consent form.  If your child did not take part in the mass testing in school in September, and you would like them to be tested on 5th January, you will need to complete a consent form for your child to take part in this testing.  Please email BEFORE THURSDAY 16TH DECEMBER to ask for one to be sent to your home address. 

If your child is coming to the academy to be tested on Wednesday 5th January, please ask them to make their way to the tennis courts, near the back of our car park.  Look out for the large COVID MASS TESTING signs on the fence.  Students will be escorted to the gym, in the PE block where the test will be conducted.  The test is very quick and the whole process takes around 5 minutes.  Students will then be free to return home.

How the tests works

Those taking the test will be supervised by trained staff.  The lateral flow tests are quick and easy to undertake, using a swab of the nose and throat.  Any positive test results (which take around half an hour from testing) will be shared directly with you using the details provided on the consent form. We will contact you by telephone, immediately.  You will also receive a text/email notification of a positive or negative result from the online NHS system using the details provided in the consent form.  If these have changed please let us know.

What if my child tests positive?

If a student tests positive on a lateral flow device, you will be informed immediately by our testing team and will need to take a further ‘PCR test’ to confirm the result.

What happens if the test is negative? 

While a small number of pupils may need to repeat the test if the first test was invalid or void for some reason, students who test negative will be able to continue with no further action in or out of school.  Parents or legal guardians will also be informed by NHS text/email using the details provided on the consent form.

What if my child develops symptoms?

This testing programme at Havelock Academy is for people with no symptoms. If your child develops symptoms at any time (including a high temperature; a new, continuous cough; or a loss or change to their sense of smell or taste) they must immediately book a PCR test.

We will support our staff and students throughout, but please contact us if you have any questions. You can contact the office by emailing

Please find attached the consent form for your attention. Please ensure this is fully completed and signed.  Your child should bring this with them ready to take the test on their first day in the academy.


Students Return Thursday 6th January 2022

We are looking forward to seeing all our students back with us after a restful and enjoyable Christmas break.  Please ensure they are equipped and prepared for the start of the new term.

Students who would like to request a Free School Meal lunch for Wednesday 5th January, please email to request one.  

From all the staff at Havelock Academy, I would like to wish you and your families a wonderful Christmas and a very happy new year.


Yours faithfully,

Ms E Marshall 
