FAO Year 9 Parents/Carers (10/11/2020)
We can confirm that a Year 9 student at Havelock Academy has tested positive for Covid-19. Following guidance from the Department for Education and Public Health England, we will be isolating all students who have been in close contact with the student concerned, with letters going out to relevant Year 9 families. Now that we have identified those who have been in close contact, we are able to welcome back the rest of the year group and unless you have received a letter requesting that your child isolates, then your child should return to the academy on Wednesday 11th November 2020. Year 9 students who are isolating will have work set for them online on the student portal. Year 9 who are isolating will return to the academy on Monday 23rd November.
The safety of our pupils and staff is our number one priority and we have written to parents to inform them and to reassure them of our processes and practices. Our cleaning team are carrying out a further deep clean this evening. Please direct any queries to enquiries@havelockacademy.co.uk (please note the full email address as some enquiries have been sent to the wrong address in recent weeks).
Our remote learning page here will support students in accessing the work set by their teachers.
Thank you for your ongoing support.