End of Term Update
9th December 2020
Dear parents and carers,
End of Term Arrangements for Christmas 2020
I am writing to you to update you on our arrangements for the end of this term. Unfortunately, due to current restrictions, we are unable to hold our usual House Shout Inter House Singing Competition or our end of term Christmas Concert. We are, however, delighted that we are still able to hold our Christmas fundraising “Santa Run” – this time in year group bubbles during the afternoon of Thursday 17th December. We will also be holding a “Christmas Jumper” event on this day to raise money for our DRET Inspiration Fund where students can pay a suggested donation of £1 to wear a Christmas Jumper for the day. We are looking forward to this event and have already shared further details via a separate letter regarding sponsorship for students wishing to take part in the Santa Run.
In light of the current climate and following recent government announcements about the end of term, we have made the decision to make some changes to our arrangements, as detailed below:
Friday 18th & Monday 21st December – Students to work at home, with a remote learning package on Student Portal, including live lessons delivered on Microsoft Teams (plus work based on Knowledge Organiser folders where remote computer access is more difficult)
Tuesday 22nd December – Staff “INSET” Training Day (moved from Easter) (Students start Christmas break)
This does result in a change later in the year, meaning that the summer term will start earlier than previously published, with all year groups returning to school after the Easter break on Monday 19th April (replacing the Staff Training Day that was originally scheduled). Please change this in your diaries and we will update the information on our website. Students will return, as planned, on Tuesday 5th January 2021.
We have taken the decision to move to home learning for students from 18th December and bring forwards the training day, in order to ensure that we can act quickly and efficiently to safeguard everyone involved should a positive case of COVID-19 be reported after students have finished for the school term. Any positive cases after Thursday 17th December must be reported to the academy within 48 hours of receiving the result. We want to ensure, as best we can, that we are not interrupting family Christmas time and therefore have all necessary bubble closures in effect by Monday 21st December at the latest. We are aware that if we were to have all students in the academy up to the 22nd December as originally planned then the notification of bubble closures could impact right up to and including Christmas Eve, 24th December.
We appreciate that this year has been stressful and difficult for many families. We want to ensure that families are able to celebrate this festive period in line with the Government advice.
If you have any queries then please do not hesitate in contacting us at the academy via telephone, or via email on enquiries@havelockacademy.co.uk .
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Kind regards and stay safe,
Emma Marshall Principal