The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Havelock Academy

Our goal is to provide excellent opportunities in an open, positive and purposeful climate for all to achieve excellence, become lifelong learners and responsible, successful, well rounded citizens.

Behaviour Boost

16th June 2023

Dear parent/carer,

As you know we are part of a large Trust, the David Ross Education Trust. We are lucky to have access to support from other schools and the central team and we benefit regularly from their expertise and support. Schools regularly need to undertake basic behaviour maintenance throughout a school year. This might be because the reward system has become tired and pupils have lost sight of the value of it, or that uniform has become a bit loose and needs a refresh, or the consequence system needs a fresh pair of eyes to ensure that it works effectively. Earlier this year, Ofsted visited us and recognised how good behaviour is in the academy, with the opening line of the report reading: “Havelock Academy is a welcoming school where pupils are respectful.” The report goes on to say, “Pupils behave well. They say they feel safe and that there is an adult they can talk to if they are worried.” I have asked for some senior leaders from other DRET schools and some of our experienced central team to come in and support me with a Behaviour Boost on Thursday and Friday next week, aimed at tightening up our systems, ensuring that we are all clear on the boundaries within school and that staff are being consistent with their approach. This will ensure what Ofsted saw earlier this year continues to be the norm and we continue to improve even further. The Boost will involve student and staff voice beforehand, then students will have assemblies outlining what is going to be expected of them in the Boost. Staff had a full staff meeting last night where they were able to shape the Boost and talk together about how to be consistent in their approach. On Thursday and Friday of next week a team of 8-10 staff will join us for 2 days and will help us to implement the new/refreshed boundaries. I have hand-picked the warmest and most skilled professionals from across our Trust and I assure you that they will be extremely sensitive and supportive of our children, helping them to get this right. We will be working to refresh: 1) Ensuring that uniform meets our high standards (with lots and lots of new uniform in our stock for anyone needing it) – this will include a clamp down on jewellery and other infringements. Please revisit our website to ensure your child has correct trousers, shoes and other items. Please report any cases of hardship to your child’s tutor and we will support in providing new items as necessary. 2) Being polite and lovely to one another – no rudeness – remembering “good morning/afternoon” and responding with “sorry Sir/Miss” when challenged regarding behaviour. 3) Being on time to lessons and not missing any vital minutes of learning, with no internal truancy. Where this happens we will contact parent/carer to ask you to come in to support and sanction accordingly.
4) A new reward system which ensures that everyone is recognised for doing the right thing. We will continue with students being able to trade their completed rewards cards in for an experience at the end of term, but we are introducing a shorter term “Friday Golden Ticket”, where students can exchange a full reward card for an early finish on a Friday. This does mean that all year groups will finish at 2.50pm on a Friday from next week, rather than having a staggered end to the day as we currently do. The staggered end will continue on Mondays-Thursdays, but on Fridays those with a “Friday Golden Ticket” will be dismissed from class at 2.40pm, to make their own way down the plaza. All other students will be escorted down the plaza at 2.50pm by their class teacher. We will continue to work with students to develop our rewards system to ensure we have a selection of rewards for the new academic year to suit everyone. We want a school that everyone can be proud of and this work is routine in all great schools. Sometimes lines get blurry and we need a refresh. The majority of our children meet our high expectations every day and we want to ensure they are rewarded for this. I look forward to your support as usual, we are lucky to have such a supportive community.

Many thanks,
E Marshall
Emma Marshall Principal