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Havelock Academy

Our goal is to provide excellent opportunities in an open, positive and purposeful climate for all to achieve excellence, become lifelong learners and responsible, successful, well rounded citizens.

Arrangements for Results Days 2020

Dear Parents/carers and students


We are delighted to be able to share our arrangements for Level 3/Alevel and Level 2/GCSE results days that will take place during August where we can celebrate the achievements of all students at the end of the course studies. 

I have outlined the arrangements for the results days below. It is important that if there is an allocated time for collection that students attend at that time as social distancing measures will be in place and there maybe a delay in receiving results if a student arrives at the incorrect time. 

As always, if there are any changes to these arrangements we will update you via. MCAS and also provide updates on our website and social media platforms.


Thursday 13th August: Level 3/A-level results (Years 12 and 13)
  • Year 13 students will be able to collect their results from the academy reception from 10am until 10.30am
  • Year 12 students will be able to collect their results from the academy reception from 10.30am until 11am
Thursday 20th August: Level 2/GCSE results (Year 11)

Students have been allocated a 10 minute collection time slot and have been put into small groups organised by surname. The collection times for these are below. Students should arrive at the academy at the allocated time and will be directed to their results collection area. Sixth Form enrollment will also be available too. Social distancing will be in place.


Surnames starting with letters

Collection time slot

A to B

10am to 10.10am

C to D

10.10am to 10.20am

E to G

10.20am to 10.30am

H to J

10.30am to 10.40am

K to M

10.50am to 11am

N to P

11am to 11.10am

R to S

11.10am to 11.20am

T to W

11.20am to 11.30am


We wish you a safe summer. We would like to thank yourselves and all students for the hard work and support provided this half-term and look forward to seeing students celebrating their results on their results days.


Yours sincerely,


Mr Trussell                         Dr Hunter                      Mr Brady                       Miss Woodhouse

Assistant Principal            Vice Principal                Head of Year 11          Head of Sixth Form