The Trust Vision for the Secondary Curriculum
We value the acquisition of powerful knowledge, as a goal in itself, as an entitlement for all children. We invest significant time and resources into ensuring that all students gain a broad knowledge base to enable them to become active members of their community in the future. Alongside a rigorous and challenging academic curriculum, students also experience a broad range of sports, arts and musical opportunities, ensuring that they have the richest experience a secondary education can give.
The Vision for our Curriculum
At Havelock Academy, we pursue excellence for our students in all areas of school life irrespective of their background.
Academically, we value the acquisition of powerful knowledge as a goal in itself, and as an entitlement for all children. We invest significant time and resource into ensuring that students gain a knowledge base that has academic rigour, is ambitious in scope, coherent, and well sequenced so that it can empower them as active citizens of their community now and in the future.
Powerful knowledge about arts, geography, history, literature, music, religion*, sciences, and the world around us is fundamental to our understanding of self and our position in the world. At Havelock Academy, as educators, we have the responsibility to pass on that which has been gathered and understood by others so that our students can truly stand ‘on the shoulders of giants’ and be better placed to challenge and question what is contested.
An appreciation of how knowledge is established, its degree of certainty and how it continues to be debated and revised by scholars, artists or professional practice is integral to this. We do not limit access to powerful knowledge for our students, by narrowing the curriculum, or teaching to the test. Instead, we broaden their horizons through a deep and rich understanding of the world around them, as we now understand it. This means that we value the power each subject provides, and we endeavour to ensure students can accomplish a secure foundation in every subject.
Alongside our academic curriculum, the ‘Havelock Journey’ and a broad range of sport, art, and musical opportunities shape the excellent enrichment on offer to all students at Havelock Academy. The ‘Havelock Journey’ is an essential part of school life and supports students in being ready and confident in key areas of their personal development. This includes health and wellbeing, social awareness, and what it means to be a good citizen, living a healthy life including Relationships and Sex Education; preparing for the world of work, including Careers, higher education, apprenticeships and finances.
Our academic and enrichment offer at Havelock Academy aims to ensure that every student has access to the powerful knowledge and enrichment opportunities needed to achieve excellence, become lifelong learners and responsible, successful, well-rounded citizens.
If you would like further information on our curriculum please contact Mrs Stephanie Hamilton (Vice Principal) at
* Please be aware that parents/carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of Religious Education (RE). In such cases, parents/carers should contact Mrs Stephanie Hamilton on the email address above.
Curriculum Aim
At Havelock Academy, we see the curriculum as something that embraces all that we do. We pursue excellence for our students in all areas, irrespective of background. We value the acquisition of knowledge as a core aim of our curriculum. During your seven-year journey, we will seek to prepare students for an ever-evolving world, acquiring a new broad knowledge base, understanding and the skills required to be socially mobile.
Our academic expectations are high and we believe that success is achieved through a genuine curiosity and a love of learning.
The aims of our curriculum are to:
- Be broad and balanced
- Unashamedly challenge all students regardless of ability
- Provide a coherently planned sequence and structure in each subject that will enable students to build their knowledge and skills over time
- Develop cultural capital across a wide range of context and experiences
- Prepare our students for the next stage in their academic journey
Academic life at Havelock is rich, varied, challenging, and enormously rewarding with our culture and ethos being underpinned by Aspiration, Ambition, Courage, and Respect.
Each of the separate page links below detail our curriculum for Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4, and Key Stage 5
Key Stage 3 Key Stage 4 Key Stage 5
Click here to find out more about British Values at our academy
Curriculum overviews (Topics and content)
2024 2025 Curriculum Overview
download_for_offline2024 2025 Curriculum Overview
- 2024 2025 Havelock Journey Policy download_for_offline
download_for_offline2024 2025 Havelock Journey Policy
- 2024 2025 Havelock Music Development Plan download_for_offline
download_for_offline2024 2025 Havelock Music Development Plan
The autolist folder CURRICULUM/2021-22 does not exist or has been moved.
Remote Learning
To access tasks for remote learning, students should access Microsoft Teams or complete the work that has been set by teachers in any packs provided and collected from the academy reception (packs provided upon request). Students can also access all knowledge organisers for subjects from the Student Learning Centre.
If you have any queries regarding remote learning, you can email us at
Latest News
- 2024 2025 Havelock Journey Policy download_for_offline